This Warlocks story is actually a pitch submission I made early last year. Later on, I realized it was totally wrong for the project I was submitting to so there weren’t any bad feelings when I didn’t make it. I’d like the chance to tell it someday even though it totally needs to be rewritten! I guess I just couldn’t help myself and needed to dip into the world I made for my long-ignored original characters.
Also of note, this is my first time inking comic pages on actual B4-sized Deleter comic paper. I bought two of these packs a lifetime ago but they had always intimidated me. I didn’t think I was going to make anything worth the price of one sheet plus, I draw teeeeny-tiny people. Today, I draw on any size sheet I want, scan it, tweak/edit and print it to scale for inking. 😀 Thank god for such an awesome scanner.
Thanks so much to friends & family who have given me so much feedback on these pages. You know who you are!